Mobirise Website Builder v4.12.4

Stealth Token Hacker

The Stealth Token Hacker is the second tool in the Stealth Nuker Toolkit, designed to destroy a discord account. It currently has three features; grabbing information, nuking the account and logging into the account - all that's needed is the User AUTH Token.

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Knowledge is power.

The Stealth Token Hacker can be used to gather an accounts email, phone number, find out whether they have two factor authentication enabled and more!


Ruin your opponents.

The Stealth Token Hacker can be used to delete an account's friends, their servers, change their language to a foreign language and change the colour theme from dark to light mode (continuous until closure).


Observe and control.

The Stealth Token Hacker can be used to log into an account without their username or password - only a user AUTH token is required!